Caren Immigration – With you in starting a new life

Request an Initial Consultation Meeting

The Caren Immigration Team is pleased to offer precise and specialised immigration services to Australia and New Zealand, as well as university admissions and student visas for countries including Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the USA, the UK, Germany, Italy, and Cyprus. Additionally, our team can assist you in successfully navigating the job search process as an immigrant. Furthermore, if you are employed in an organisation or company, we can provide expert advice on Australian employment laws through our employment specialists. Moreover, by providing the most accurate and up-to-date insights into human resource management, we help Australian employers engage more effectively with their workforce or overcome challenges in the workplace with legal solutions.
A free consultation session is an opportunity to understand your needs and goals, as well as to introduce our services that can assist you in achieving these objectives. By participating in a free consultation session, you have the chance to experience the quality and manner of our services without any cost before making any financial commitment. It is important to note that the consultations provided are tailored specifically to your personal needs and current circumstances, utilising the specialised knowledge and experience of the Caren team. During this session, we will help you understand effective overall strategies to achieve your goals and make informed decisions with sufficient insight and information.
To request a call or schedule a free consultation session, please complete and submit the form below.

Phone Call

Monday to Friday - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Tehran Office
+98(21)2842 2947

Melbourne Office (Offshore)
1300 49 1717

Melbourne Office (International)
+61(3)4149 1717

Contact Form

Fill out the Contact Form
One of our supportive colleagues will be in touch to arrange the consultation meeting.